How to Ground and Center Your Self

How to Ground and Center Your Self

Most people think of the phrase "ground and center" and immediately see a picture in their mind of a person sitting cross-legged and meditating. It works for that, but it also can help you relax and get a grip on yourself. Stressful situations call for you to have your wits about you. You need to think straight and be ready for action. Taking a few deep breaths and getting yourself back in control can help you do that.


Spend some time alone. It will give you a chance to tune into your body and find out what it's triggers are and what helps you to relax. Some people like to stand bare foot outside with their feet firmly in touch with the ground. Thats' nice, but you probably won't want to be doing it in December with snow on the ground. You can do this almost anywhere, at any time, when you get good enough at it.


Visualize. A friend of mine visualizes herself standing tall with her arms outstretched. She visualizes roots stemming from her feet and taking hold in the ground. As she continues on, and moves her hands upwards, she imagines silver cords shooting up towards heaven. She maintains this stance and takes several deep breaths. As she breathes in, she pulls in energy to support her and strengthen her. As she breathes out, she releases stress and any negativity that has collected around her. She holds this stance for three to five minutes and is ready to resume her activities.


Take several deep breaths. When inhaling, I pull in positive energy and pure white light. When exhaling, I allow all the negative energy out. Whenever you release energy, remember to put something back in its place. Think of things you love and care deeply about. They will give you strength.


After a few times of doing this alone (so you know what to expect), you will be able to do it pretty much any where. The first time I did it, I relaxed so much, I fell asleep. Like I said, know your body and know what it will do in certain situations.


When you're done, take a final deep breath. Regroup your thoughts. Make sure you have pulled in any roots or cords you have sent out.
When you have got things in order, go out and tackle whatever needs to be done.

Tips & Warnings

Do this whenever you feel something getting to you. Take a break. Pull your energy back and regroup.